spiceant's diary - lifes, thoughts and worrys

Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

March 18, 2008

When i see myself typing things, i'd think its me if only i were doing something outside the internet. Im talking about this forum post i made on the subject of "should people have the right to be nude?"

I feel the question in itself is an oxymoron or paradoxial in a sense. There is no such thing as human rights, they are an invention or (re)discovery of civilization. There are no rights. Reality doesnt considder rights. The lion does not considder the rights of a deer and neither does the herbivore think of the plant "to violate or not to violate the plant's rights, thats the question.". They simply do what they feel is best, what bubbles up from intuition/instinct or if your a bible-ish believing entity, whatever god/holyspirit bubbles up in them.

The question should not be wether there should be the right to be nude in public but rather wether it is the right thing to do to be nude in public (to be reconsiddered on every occasion where the possibility presents itself). Human rights are a divise darkening and confusing rethoric to divide us all up (divide and conquer). Human rights are a confusing idea because it creates unneceserry divisions by creating synonyms for the truth and then pretending the synonyms are different.
To "honor human rights" is to simply do the right thing, to be smart and wise. Saying something should be a right because it is the right thing to do is paradoxial because both parts of the sentence mean the same. We have the "right" to freedom from slavery/murder/theft because that allows us to express our creative potential which is good for everyone (and likewise it is evil to inhibit these). Honoring freedom/life/property is the right thing to do. The two are one and the same, common sense. Saying human rights are good is like saying god said it thus it must be true. God is synonymous with truth. Saying "god said it thus it is true" is like saying "it truly happened thus it is true" its one and the same. No saints have ever spoken of so called human rights, but only simply about the right thing to do/think.

Then the question becomes wether its the good thing to be nude when we want to be and these are my thoughts on that subject:If you have reason to believe a possible action may result in conflict you first take the default action to prevent the conflict (such as covering body parts). Ofcourse (i suppose) many people here will still be confronted and stirred by their desire to be free to be nude more liberally... ie in their frontyards or on the streets. One way to achieve this is to discuss with the people who have the potential to get into conflict with you. Make all concerned aware of your understanding and intent about nudism and discuss only limited up to the point where your "fist gets to their tip of their nose". Write newsletters, start a group to educate people, do some research, invite them to CO beaches/clubs etc... If you cause conflict you are in dishonour and because of this by definition have not resolved with your brother will "burn in hell" (have problems), no sympathy and thus no succes. A foremost cause of conflict is laziness and so none causing conflict will have sympathy. The game of "rights" or freedom is a game sympathy. Its like jesus spoke in matthew 5:25Agree with your adversary, while you are with him; so that he does not deliver you to a judge and you get penalized.
If you do things in a shady manner darkly (meaning that your not being talkative about it) your gonna be treated like everybody that is acting in a shady manner... and knowing record of those shady people, thats not gonna be a good thing.
Blessed are the peacemakers (that resolve confrontations by peacefull means, instead of conflict.)

(And i suggest this discussion does good only for those considdering dilligently, which i observe stu to be doing. I considder him mostly to totally justified in his arguments.)

March 10, 2008

I used to crave organic peanutbutter (that one did taste good, the commercial stuff with added sugar tasted awfull), but now that also makes me sick and so i have two pots of organic peanutbutter standing in front of me with no use for them. I bought them to stasify my addiction, but that addiction seems to has gone. Now it just do anything but make me sick and the last part of this particular addiction seems to be gone, the habit part of this addiction to be particular. Me relapsing did not anymore grand me gratification, it made me sicker.So i have 2 pots of hardly used peanutbutter standing in front of me and i don't have a particular idea on what to do with them. Maybe i ought to mix it with some dirt and plant lots of different seeds in it and burry the stuff (without the pot) under a few inches of dirt. (Or i can just put it in the garbage, butprefer not to because that'd be a waste. With the strange weather maybe some oranges will pop up even over here in the netherlands) The thing i have experienced with peanutbutter today i have also experienced with (sourdough) bread / cooked grains (in general) to which i am/was addicted, now when i eat it it also makes me sick in my stomach as well and i feel lethargic (peanutbutter/grains basicly lost their appeal to me).

(Every time i ate grains/peanutbutter knowing they were bad i put some effort into memorizing what they made me feel like, after going down my throat.)

I had been hoarding oranges to feed myself in particular oranges from the 3 days in a week market at the city square (they used to taste really really good) but now they have got new shipments and these oranges just dont taste as good as they originally did, some taste as good as they used to, some have a trace of strong bitterness to them and some are watery/tasteless. I'm beginning to think grocery store quality food has taken over the city square markets too (altough, not as much). Choice of a hoarding target will switch to mangos or avocados as i find those very tasty right now.

(I'm getting the feeling that the supplier of fruit (and other foods) is what allows "them (shadow government/the devil)" to control the aspects of our food. What i mean is, that grocery stores are merely branches of this distributor that distributes all the foods to these grocery stores and thus fixes the price as it has been monopolized and thus there is no real competition where food is concerned, because theres only one distributor who youll be getting your food from. You who are familiar with this, its the same with the federal reserve/IMF controlling all mainstream banks or the pope controlling catholics or fascist 'royal' saudis controlling arabia).

So far i refuse to move into my new house untill it has internet, which should be connected within a few weeks. Then i dont know what will happen exactly, it will be good.