Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

April 10, 2009

Why do many people hate and blame the corporations/media/governments/politics/religion/etc...? (To the blameless i do bow)

Government/politics/religion/sports/etc are all diversions to divert and neutralize the violent energies of people. Without these we would have socially isolated hooligans forming riots and burning all of civilization down because their gods (religion/govt/politicians) did not give to them what they greedily told themselves they are entitled to have. (As people occasionally do around the world where "the economy collapses", "a major recession strikes" or "starvation occurs").

Do you like it better when your violent nextdoor neighbour wastes his energy huffing, puffing and yelling at the stadium cursing one or another sports team or would you prefer him rioting in your streets? Would you prefer your collegues to have the illusion they decide what happens because they vote? When they figure they don't would you prefer them to violently "revolutionize" the government they seek to complain about every time it taxes/tickets them or does it make some sense to keep it quiet? Would you prefer your neighbour to get his sexual fix in any other way other then with a TV (or his wife)?

In the same way that a rehabilitation centre keeps a detoxing crack addict from killing his neighbours; the television set / politician / priest / etc. keeps the insane from destruction. That is damage control. Every adult that is manipulated is responsible for it. There is no saint that is or can be manipulated. Sinners only can be manipulated and deceived.

By depriving fools of smoke and mirrors they are forced to look at themselves.
When the haze lifts from their mind they must face the truth.
If you want to make fools angry, lie to them.
If you want to make fools steaming mad, tell them the truth
And if you some want peace you neither lie or explain but confuse instead.

You love violence more then you love peace this is why you dont have it when you dont. You are a moron. This is true If it upsets you, if it did not it is a lie. (no offense intended)

If anyone truly desires harmony
If anyone sincerely desires wisdom
If anyone truly desires clarity
they have it already.
If they don't a counterpart is desired instead.

"mirror mirror on the wall..."
relax:) (God is a handy metaphor you do not have to believe in)


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