spiceant's diary - lifes, thoughts and worrys

Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

July 17, 2008

Jesus did not write the bible but could, he did not need to. For as far as the followers of Jesus go (who recognize that he existed) (i also write a part for non-religionists):
Jesus did not write the bible, the apostles didn't need any bible (for their own personal wellbeing, altough they can use scriptures to teach other people) because they had something much better then a word that has been dead and rotting for over a thousand years. They had the LIVING word, the Holy Spirit. The pharisees of the time thought they had Jesus down when they killed him, but they failed. Jesus kept reappearing to his followers all over the place. At first to woman to put them back in equal status with men in society (which did not resonate with many of the disciples very well, nevermind Paul). Christianity is vastly out of touch with the reality about Christ Jesus. Even his closest disciples were out of touch with his reality and he corrected them often for it. Even Peter who made a habit of correcting Jesus and unfortunatly chose to deny the Christ.

Jesus was with his early followers and he was with everyone else who followed him and allowed Jesus himself to teach them. Unfortunatly it is blasphemy to think we can know Truth or Jesus by ourself for as far as Christianity goes. But this is what Jesus came to tell. The disciples could not get into touch with Jesus reality instantly, he was with them untill they did not want it any more, or untill they were in tune with it. Jesus promised his followers that he would always be with them. This is why he did not write any bible. Material things can be manipulated, but the living word is the door NO MAN can shut. The Kingom of GOD is WITHIN, not outside not even in the bible. If you open your heart to Jesus LIVING word, he will be with you untill the end of your miseries.

Okay well, now i shall translate this hard to understand Christian language (for someone who is not Christian). We all have the inherent ability to know truth and discern lies from truth. Most generally we call it COMMON SENSE. There is the inherent limit to human languages to describe and comprehend truth. The human soul in its deepest essence does not use human language, but something more like symbols. But truly, this is beyond human language. The mystiks have always taught us ways to EXPERIENCE this state of KNOWING truth (being full of light) such as meditation and ways of thinking.

This KNOWING is something that is inherent in everyone, so we do not need any church, institution to KNOW truth (or God). Nevertheless this is limited by beliefs that we comprehend in human language. Therefor as long as these kind of beliefs are held you are restricting yourself from KNOWING that which is in. There is a vast difference between reading the story of someone like the Buddha, looking at Buddha go through his events and BEING the Buddha. You can only know truth by experiencing it. This is ALWAYS your responsebility. The only way to ALWAYS be responsible for something is to ALWAYS be in control of it. There is an inherent part in the human being that wants to be taken care of, to be safe, secure and irresponsible. It would rather transmit all its responsebility to all else. The ego does this. This is what folks like Jesus came to tell us is not quite the way. To get back to the bible. It is not the sacrifice of the bull or Jesus that saves us. God does not need sacrifice, he wants repentence. Repentence is that you learn enough not to repeat your mistake. In order to learn you must KNOW. Knowing is inherent in everyone and this is the (W)HOLY spirit, the spirit of truth. It is most often expressed very well in Children and this is why Jesus said we wouldn't get anywhere without being reborn as little children. Therefore you will never be forgiven your sins if you deny KNOWING.

Little children simply KNOW some things are wrong, until they grow up and deny that they can know or experience knowing. It is beyond human language, this is why the israelites were forbidden from making any depiction of their God, because their God is beyond human concepts. Gods YHWH name means verily that if we ever put him in a mental box, he will change into something else that cannot stay in that box. There is no infallible written truth.
Untill you have the blood of the consciousness that Jesus had in you also, you have no life in you. This consciousness spoke through Jesus when he told his followers to eat him alive (and many were offended..). There must come a point where the Christian is in unity with the father and thus has the living CHRIST blood in him. This blood is what cleanses us from SIN.
(It is the general pattern that any religion founded in this world will have the teachings of its founders corrupted, keep that in mind.) It makes no sense to judge Jesus by what stupidities christians comit, neither to judge atheists by Karl Marx, Buddha by buddhist zealots or Krishna by hindus. These are all human words. In the end, God made all of us and thte least you do for them you truly also do for the Christ.

Simply be. Genius is in taking away untill you have no imperfections left. For wisdom we shall not turn to old men, but to little naked children. If you suppose i mean this materially, even though i speak spiritually you have a long way to go indeed.

July 2, 2008

I "fear" i have reached the point that i realize that doing miracles isnt always going to convert anyone to anything meaningfull. I was afraid i would realize that the masters were right in keeping these things mostly secret.