Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

May 11, 2007

I am so gratefull for many things in my life.

So gratefull for everything that i know and have red. I'm so gratefull for the memory's.
The memory of a butterfly. For all the jokes that made me smile. I'm so gratefull for all the people that make happy. For "aunt" Jefke whom was a great motivator to me and a comforter. I am so gratefull for all these people in history, like einstein that helped me realize the truth about reality and teaching me to never stop questioning. For Jesus whom gave his life and went through suffering to show not only me but everyone with ears good old truth and clarity. For the memory of daisys. For the memory of a flower unfolding. For the taste of raw organic honey. I am gratefull for the peace omnipresent in my mind. For the memory of a rainbow. For all the wealth i have. For a working pair of eyes hands feet and a perfect set of teeth. For the amazing universe, for all of the amazing animals: whales, dolphins, wolves, snakes, deers, canaries, bees, spiders, elephants, worms, plants, wheat, bread, food, the sun, the moon, grass, water, my heart, my love, my hope., For freedom, for joy, for everything i have wished for and have had, can wish for and have and will have and have wished for.

Lets focus on good things and good feelings. gratitude & love. I do.
Good stuff. Hope.
I strongly recommend "the secret" to you (disclaimer though it is not everything there is to know but it is still a great and extremely educative video nevertheless)
"Ask and you will get, seek and you will find, knock and you will be opened to. Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This is not a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in." -Jesus the Christ
"Imgatination is everything, It is the preview of life’s coming attractions." -Albert Einstein

I remember praying for truth, not to be mistake lies for truth, or truth for lies, or a little truth for a lot of it, or to mistake darkness for light, or light for darkness or badness for goodness. My prayers are coming true right before my believing eyes!!!! I pray i may never be left alone again not alone not forever, it's coming true before my eyes!!! THANK GOD THANK GOD THANK GOD!!


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