Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

April 1, 2008

In the first chapters of Genesis we read many things, namely ancient mysteries veiled in allegories or parables. It explains the reason of the fall.

In Genesis we read that at first God made a race Adam's being bisexual, male and female he made them (gen 1:27). This bisexual race produced bisexual offspring like it, also being male and female by way of virgin birth. This God born race of Adams their seed remained within them (1 John 3:9). Later the adamic race being sons of god saw the second race that was not from God but made from the dirt of the earth and they took their women for wives.

Chapter two & three describes the rules for the use of the body and the consequences of sex abuse. Man is allowed to use all its faculties (trees), except for the generative organs (tree of knowledge of good & evil, sex awareness). The consequence of the abuse of the genitals leads to degeneration and denial of the tree of life (gen 3:16-19,22). By logical extension, not abusing the genitals extends life as the life giving fluid is preserved and allows the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good & bad to unlock the tree of life.

In chapter four we read man the first of the second gender being born.

Other parts of the bible are mostly ancient stories of used by a male dominated culture which wrote and malformed ancient texts by which it compiled its bible. That the first chapters of genesis are not alluded to almost anywhere in the bible proves the writers of the later texts were unaware of its meaning.

The beginning of the Genesis Book (and most of all history books) is basicly a story of sex abuse / spilling the life giving essence resulting in the degeneracy of humankind. In this way, the commandment unto life (be fruitfull), is the sin unto death. The first sin, associated with childbearing and sex (fornication) by extension. The way to be children of God is to turn around and start over like children, innocent and non-sexual (mat 18:3). All the saints tell us to be chaste, innocent. To be carnally minded (like the animals) is death, to be spiritually minded (like god) is life.

Natural science supports that man is a degenerate women:
(1) men have a defective Y chromosome
(2) cannot bear (other) life; is infertile
(3) dies earlier
(4) are more prone to disease and more so to genetic deformities, autism.
(By extension, that men rule civilization and religion shows more to the point civilization and religion is wicked)

Natural science supports that sex/fornication kills:
(1) Many insects die in the act of sex (and the fathers often get eaten)
(2) Many animals die or are injured in the act of sex
(3) Beings that have children live shorter then those that don't
(4) Trees that have their flowerbuds removed grow faster and live longer.
(5) The bible also supports this, as we see in the lineage down from adam as we see the earlier one has children, the earlier one dies. The earlier one becomes fruitfull, the earlier someone dies.
(6) The loss of life is felt right after the act

Natural science supports human virgin birth:
(1) Virgins throughout history have given birth "without having known a man"
(2) dermoid cysts, or the development of unfertilized eggs into embryos within the bodies of virgins
(3) instances of pregnancy where sperm could not have been the cause
(4) the women is the only being that occasionally has their reproductive organs blocked and
(5) the first act of sex is often injurous to the women.
(4 and 5 imply we weren't made for sexual reproduction)

Menstruation is a degenerative condition not inherent to (wo)menkind and is strongly perpetuated by sex/fornication:
(1) During the two world wars the periods of women got shorter
(2) Prostitutes have unusually long periods
(3) The witches living a chaste, healthier and hygenic life did not menstruate and were stronger.(4) Menstruation is a hemorrhage.
(5) No other animal menstruates as much as humankind does and none loose their blood by it except if sex is involved
Women would more noteably strong/healthy if not for their diseased state (losing their life giving essence and blood through menstruation) resulting from being sex slaves (as in the last 2000+ years) and wrong lifestyles. The witches (women who were unusually vigorous and did not menstruate) are a hint to this more natural state and that this fact is hidden is all the more reason to believe we are still in the dark ages.

In the godly life there is no marriage and so because that is the only accepted way to have sex there is none in heavenly life, where there is no marriage (Mat 22:30).
Ancient scientists agree that sex kills.
In sin (fornication) we have been born and in sin one dies.

I got the info from Hilton Hotema in his two part book The Secret of Regeneration. If you like his info read some of his books.


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