Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

February 10, 2009

This is a response to one comment in my blog
A coworker of mine would randomly say remarks that will anger me, and being passive person I am I would never say anything. Even with passive attitude, I also have a explosive temper that can be triggered when I had enough.

I think you are simply unaware. All anger is a manifestation of fear and many angry people have deep seated fears. These fears are usually very well buried but can obviously be triggered and they always cause the person with the fear to suffer and become irritated. One way to forget about irritations is to distract yourself and by annoying/insulting people one of the greatest distractions is performed and thus the actual cause of the suffering ignored.

You may remember that when you are sleepy you get angry much more easily. I suggest that your annoying coworker is suffering in one or another way. Does your coworker insult you because of something about you or about him or is it simply something in you that triggers him to express his own issues toward you? You probably realise there is something not quite right in the world and feel the need to innovate or be a rebelious in one or another way. The most rebelious thing you can do is to simply look at your coworker as he insults you and feeling nothing but loving kindness because this coworker has such a deep seated suffering that is obviously eating away at his spirit and social wellbeing. Simply look at him with kindness and love or if he has observed a mistake and is giving criticism that is very true or just a little say nothing and just correct your ways (force yourself if you have to). By not entertaining his insults your coworker will be forced to listen to the ugly things that coworker just said and and because you do not distract him/her with disdain or by turning away your coworker will be forced to see that what he or she is doing is destructive. Such a turn around in the other person does not neceserily happen the first time but as you persist it will become harder to be mean to you. Guotama buddha converted many of the people that were out to kill him simply because he was "too kind/cute" to kill. Likewise your insulting coworker will act in the same predictable manner because this artificial behaviour is an unchanging pattern that has no basis in an everchanging reality and so it will eventually pass away. If you do get angry, simply remember that your anger will pass away. Everything in the world is temperory. Masons and other like occultist know that images can manifest themselves in reality, this is why the Bible states that the person who envies their neighbour has already stolen their property and he who lusts for their neighbours wife is already quilty of adultry and that the person who insults his brother will end up a murderer. People that live by the sword die by the sword.

The people that need love and kindness the most hardly deserve it but they need it. Your old eye for an eye attitude makes everyone blind and blindness doesn't help. Im not saying you should be soft quite the opposite be pro active. Solve your problems with your brother while you are on your way to court (conflict/violence) so that you wont be put away for manslaughter or worse.

If you are familiar with DJhives videos you probably realise that "the sheep" show little compassion and kindness. You may feel a little hestitation when you go for kindness but then remember the times when you or other people responded in an old destructive way and remember where it got them.

You might like to take the attitude of the rebel a bit. Do everything that you can safely do differently differently. Park your bicycle backwards, ask your coworkers wether they walked into the building on the right foot, make it a point to walk in the hall a little differently and tell people that you are walking left footed, tell people to think outside the box, circle and triangle, tell your electrician to be a positive, give everyone who yells at you some water for their sore throats, jokingly ask arrogant people how much ransom they are worth. Learn a new word every day. Change your choice of worlds to reflect what you want the world to reflect to you. Mason and like occultist know images and thoughts manifest themselves. This is why some elitists surpress imagination because image-ination is power and why big business absolutely stuff the entire world with images and music.
Tidy up your house, get hawaiian posters, tshirts and music. (and share them with people you love). Be aware that words are images (symbols) and the multiple meanings associated with them often contradict seemingly closely associated meanings of the same word or "synonymous" words. Apathy is the opposite of equanimity, desire/affection the opposite of love, anger is an opposite of passion, appetite leads to death hunger to life. You probably realise by now that your not going to get anywhere by picking a meaning that is simply just in fashion with you.

Many people think that rebellion means you should be destroying old things and this is true. there are traitors under your skin that are dividing your being against itself and those things need destroying these traitors simply need to be taken into the broad daylight of your attention and they will be dealt with automaticly. But there is nothing on the outside that should be destroyed by any individual. A true rebel starts out a new thing and people that want to join the new thing, nature will do the destroying on the outside that needs to be destroyed. A true warrior first overcomes him or herself and this is much greater then overcoming or gaining the world because the only thing that lasts forever that stays with you after death is you. Most occultists know the alchemical principle of above so below. For example the hurricane reflects the shape of some spiral galaxies and a few fruits. A better world begins at the doorstep of your own essence. Be a true man or woman, have courage, do the bravest thing which is to do the scariest thing, overcome your non-self.

Not everyone may be a rebel leader and it is simply not the nature of our reality that everyone is, to deny this only causes suffering. Most people are followers. There are a top few people have the capacity and willing to make the choice to improve the entire the world and there are a bottom few that do the opposite. By being creative, you will create solutions where there appeared to be none, you will be a light where people used to stumble into the dark abyss. Dont be impressed by the size of the world or any problem. "Few people can change the world, indeed everyone that has really changed the world are just a handfull of people" and changed it certainly has many times over.

Life is a mirror, if you respond to it with anger it responds to you with anger. Put up a smile
because smiling is infectious.

The most important person in the world is the person you are with right now (it can be you, or someone else)
The most important time to do something important is the present moment.

You may like to read this poem (and make the kitty your desktop background?)
and to listen to the audios of Ajahn Brahmavahmso a non-self identifying buddhist monk.
or find whatever proves to be good for happyness, harmony, power,wisdom, creativity,brightness...

Because being nice is fun
Because being fun is creative
Because creativity is nice
Because its nice to creative
Because its fun to be nice
Because its nice to be nice
Because its fun to be fun
By being a light to the world you being will fill up with light and you will have the love that casts out all fear.

be happy :)


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