Location: Groningen City, Groningen, Netherlands

November 24, 2006

For you who don't know me, i am now religious in a way or a combination of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, Christianity and the Jewish religion (idealizing works). My most important ideals are infinite altruism, respect, infinitely open mind, being unique and non-conformism. I was diagnosed with PDD-nos (Persuasive Development Disorder - not otherwise specified) a while ago. To me this means that if someone dominates in speaking and doesn't leave some space i will keep silent, i don't urge to ask questions or at all talk. Beside that i sleep very lightly and am practically always sleepy.

August 2005
I'll start with the August of last year, i was on a vacation to a sailing school. There i learned to sail among other things. I was still very active with computergaming back then. One of my roommates had some computergaming magazines with him but one of them also had an article on Peak Oil. Peak oil is the phenomena that all kind's of oil production (on earth) will peak and start to decline at any point in time. America did this in the 1970's. The human economy does not take this into account and hence there will be a lot of chaos and friction when this occurs worldwide. With all the economy's growing, something's got to go wrong! This article got me upset and started me thinking and remembering about all my disappointments in society and ofcourse with such a doomscenario and my own powerlessness i felt a little hopeless.
There that article woke me up crudely and there my search for more information and big phenomena about such things started. I started finding information about Peak Oil (but i didn't know the Peak Oil phrase yet so it took a while before i searched effectively). At a point a few weeks or months later i stopped searching at all because i couldn't handle it and didn't see any Peak Oil signs within my vicinity. Everyone just kept going, somehow (and they still do). A month later of school and computergaming i got at it again and this time came unto conspiracy theory's in relation to the biblical number of the beast: 666. I remembered 911 as i red through some of them and i learned on about society from there. The theories that i can considder believing state that 911 was a false flag operation used to further the breakdown of american democracy into a fascist state and to spread American dominance over the globe, starting with the last scraps of oil in the middle-east. They go on to say that after America took Afghanistan over drug production skyrocketed and America is making a lot of money from it by all kind's of laws. Thirdly credit debt is being encouraged and used to sell American's into slavery, not that i'm surprised considdering the crazyness of Americans, being addicted to pleasure, leasure, comfort, luxery, mockery and self-deception.
What scares me the most about America is that altough it is the least civilized state of humanity thought to be possible at the moment, humanity is following suit gladly and trying to overtake America. South-Holland is already Americanizing and the rest follow's suit. A civilization of apathy, addiction, pill-popping and mockery, we wanna be that?!
Altough America is said to be the richest country to exist the people are impoverished and in debt-beyond belief. Not just literally in a sense of debt but also that they are never statisfied with what they have, always wanting more and thinking of freedom as the right to do anything you want. Rather then that freedom is responsebility for what choices you make. What ignorance!!

Who can fill such a bottomless pit, bottomless pit's can't be filled. Nobody know's, nobody listens and thinks their opinions are facts. Some people don't care what they do, give up and/or give up to harmfull addictions with obesity, cancer and all kind's of ailments as a result (headaches, blood pressure, liquid faeces, etc.). Then they pop-pills as a way to survive. What stupidity!

Marsh 2006
Well you gotta think that considdering those thoughts, the spiceant must be getting depressed by now! I'm still not depressed, altough i despise just about everything manmade and don't apreciate just about everyone i know. From this depressing angle i started to read the bible because of some bible prophecies that some articles used, i had all the faith in the world in it when i started reading it and i still do. At the same time i started praying and considdering i was very confused by all the conflicting information out there i prayed that i'd see light for light, darkness for darkness, not light for darkness or darkness for light, foolishness not for wisdom but for foolishness. I prayed for the truth. Well, quess what. 2 Azian Jehovah's Witnesses pop up the next thing i know three days later we had a litle chat and managed to agree that the world as we know it ain't gonna be what it's alway's been and that some bad things ought to happen at any point within 25 years. They gave me a booklet titled "what does the bible teach" and as it happens i had the time to read through it from cover to cover at once. It considders detailed significances about a relationship with Jehovah (God), Who Jesus was, celebrations (which i never really celebrated anyway), Prayer, Family life, Death, The Soul, Spirit, Baptism, Idolatry, the end times and some more to boot. It all sounded good to me and i started looking for them that day or some day's after. Later i learned these witnesses should have come back within a few day's but i didn't see them untill i called them a month later. Well i just said i started looking for them, so i googled up "Jehovah's Witnesses"...
I came upon a forum that started as a forum for Jehovahs witnesses i posted a message asking how i could find JW's in my area. In short, i was warned for cults and a slave like life following the watchtower and spreading their propaganda. The unsympathetic posts kind of put me off but i did go looking after all the stories about them, false prophecies, the (not) handling of child abuse, the relation with the UN and the centralization of JW's.
It was all nice and such and if i were statisfied with one side of the coin i wouldn't have called them anyway but i did. I wanted to know the flipside of the coin. I don't believe in a superweapon that can make us slave like zombies so i phoned the local Kingdom Hall. There i started attending their theocratic school and watchtower studies and attending a weekly private bible study. I kept all the stories of wrong JW things in the back of my head. What i met was an underestimation of the bad things of what i heard. I asked them some thing's which i had thought to be wrong from stories, in particular their 1914 teaching which basicly supports all the other dogma's considdering their faithfull and discreet slave. As it turned out they did have a scriptural explanation for it and as it turns out they can atleast come up with a story they can believe. I now know how they can believe what they believe. But the saying that they relentlessly follow the Watchtower Society stuck with me and i never really dared ask for it. I'd first want to entrench myself in the cong before risking being uprooted and thrown away (being labeled bad association or apostate). You may have noticed i do not believe that Jehovah (God, not to be confused with Jehovah's Witnesses) does want us to follow people, but thats exactly what JW's are doing. I continued my bible study and learned new things and they got me seeing thing's (in their bible, though) showing a lot of things to be true which were claimed to be unscriptural. The load of lies that were proved to be false set me up against the people that warned me against JW's. The people known as ex-JW's and their followers. Now it occurred that i came across on the forum where i asked how to contact JW's and there i thought to find some truth's at least. But i still need to ask any cong overseer or elder in my cong about the UN and child-abuse. I can't stand it any longer. I thought to had found some people that were remotely like me but it turned out they were just more like me as in not like the worldly people as we know them. I still haven't found anyone i can really come along with, except God Jehovah and Jesus Christ.

I have looked around a lot and am coming to believe that there may not be anyone like me that i will meet before a significant moment in time. I still haven't found a human that is Zealous for God, Love, the Bible, patience, understanding, respect, god-aproval, health, and all those other g(o)odly things. Someone that is zealous against a life of luxery, comfort, leasure, money, people-aproval, conformism and all those horrible things.
Someone, living up to 1 cor 13:3-7:

If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything, Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

I'm not a new Henoch or am i, i still don't see a white dove descending.

en gard, spiceant
Live to love, not the other way around


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